Our ethics underpin everything we do

Our commitment to being an ethical research agency goes far beyond research ethics…

A sector leading approach to ethical research

Research as it has tended be undertaken is often expensive and relied on reputation often leading to limited impact. We believe in doing things differently.

We believe that it is possible to both undertake research to the highest standards, while at the same time developing research capacity in meaningful ways for researchers from often disadvantaged communities. Research potential in many communities has tended to be unfulfilled, with research happening in these communities as opposed to people from these communities being the designers and implementers of research.

As we are a non-profit making community interest company (CiC), we are uniquely placed to be able to invest and develop research capacity in parts of our communities that have significant unrealised potential. Ultimately, we see lived experience (of for example, having lived experience of ‘peripheral’ places such as the criminal justice or care systems) as a strength that can shape sensitive and impactful research.

Ethical considerations throughout our work

We have thought about every decision we have made in setting up and running Social Research Solutions in terms of its ethical implications.

We bank ethically (with the CO-OP), we treat our consultants ethically and transparently. We are constantly trying to find, nurture and develop researchers in unexpected places with untapped potential to work with us.

In terms of environmental considerations, we have never taken a flight to undertake our work, but are very familiar with trains and buses, and we try to avoid taxis and driving wherever possible.