We aim to make social research relevant and accessible to all parts of our communities

About us

Building on over 15 years of research experience, we founded Social Research Solutions to enable us to do things differently.

We are uniquely positioned as a social research agency, established as a non-profit making community interest company (CiC). This means that any profit generated through our work is invested back into researcher development and training. We aim to support researchers from diverse, disadvantaged backgrounds by funding scholarships.

We believe in four guiding principals that underpin everything we do:

1) We see lived experience as a strength. This might mean people with experience of mental health issues, the criminal justice and/or care systems or experience of the refugee and asylum systems. Social Research Solutions has been established to provide people with a range of lived experience opportunities for a career in social research.

2) Our research must have impact in the world and lead to positive social change.

3) Our research will be undertaken to the highest standards using the latest methodologies, approaches and technologies.

4) We will use our research to generate research capacity and empower marginalised communities.

Our ethical approach is reflected in all areas of our work